
Social Work Supervision

Are you a Social Worker? Have you considered the importance of receiving Social Work supervision? Would you like to grow and develop your professional identity in a safe and reflective space. Bottern Consulting will provide you with an opportunity to enhance your Social Work skills, broaden and deepen your knowledge around different practices and reflect on how your practice follows the AASW Code of Ethics
This Supervision is provided online and can be done one-2-one or in a group situation.

Purpose of Social Work Supervision

 - To enhance your skills as a Social Worker and provide the best service to your clients

 - Broaden and deepen knowledge around different practices and professional development opportunities

 - Reflect on how your practice follows the AASW Code of Ethics

Purpose of Social Work Supervision

 - To enhance your skills as a Social Worker and provide the best          service to your clients

 - Broaden and deepen knowledge around different practices and       professional development opportunities

 - Reflect on how your practice follows the AASW Code of Ethics

Definition of Social Work Supervision (AASW)

“… a forum for reflection and learning. … an interactive dialogue between at least two people, one of whom is a supervisor. This dialogue shapes a process of review, reflection, critique and replenishment for professional practitioners. Supervision is a professional activity in which practitioners are engaged throughout the duration of their careers regardless of experience or qualification. The participants are accountable to professional standards and defined competencies and to organisational policy and procedures (Davys & Beddoe, 2010: 21).”

Core values guiding Social Work supervision

Respect for persons

Social Justice

Professional Integrity

Functions of Social Work Supervision


“Attention is focused on developing practice based knowledge, understanding and skills that will improve the competence and the professional satisfaction of social workers.
It entails both self-reflection and critical analysis as social workers examine dynamics and interactions at the interpersonal level as well as the broader impact of policy and structures in society.”


“Attention is focused on the standards for practice within the organisation and the social work profession, including accountability for client outcomes.
Linked to accountability are administrative activities such as managing workload for effective outcomes and attending to record keeping practice.”


“Supervisee becomes more aware of how their work is affecting them and, in turn, how their personal reactions and emotional state are impacting on practice.”

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